Sunday, April 17, 2016


as a motion, so simple

as the way your legs now
drag under your body 

and upside-down
you swing 

fists smeared obscenely

with the delicate blackness
of a nighttime dance,

the balance maintained 
until the dawn’s early light

· · · – – – · · ·

You feel really guilty
when you watch an episode of COPS...

security question

here is where you are furiously
human, you decide

shirt stained with some
distended feeling      screen glow
sinking into your skin     
along the gentle hum
of a possession.

maybe you are knee deep in a mirror
        for the first time
and you are trying to drag your
reflection out of its confines
and all you can manage are
measured pieces:

(blood from your nose     and the
chatter of your teeth     and
a cut on your cheek -

you have a hard time sharing
fleeting parts)